The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation) has awarded $3 million to 19 organizations as part of the second phase of its COVID-19 Response Grants initiative. In describing the grants to the Courier, Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Marvin I. Schotland said, “These newly announced distributions–part of The Foundation’s comprehensive $8.3 million in COVID-19 Response Grants, the largest amount ever committed to a single issue by our institution–focus on sustaining local nonprofits impacted by the pandemic, providing day-school tuition assistance and summer camp scholarships to ensure meaningful Jewish experiences, and addressing critical needs in Israel. Foundation donors have contributed an additional $5.5 million to date via their own charitable funds established with us for pandemic relief, bringing the total committed to response efforts to nearly $14 million.”

The $3 million of Phase II COVID-19 Response Grants is being directed to local Jewish nonprofits. Some $1.5 million was awarded to 16 organizations, all current or former Foundation grant recipients. Those recipients include theatre dybbuk, Hillel at UCLA, USC Hillel, the Pico Union Project, the Jewish Graduate Student Initiative, Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center, The Miracle Project, Fuente Latina, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles and JQ International.
“All of us at The Foundation are grateful to provide support during this time of extraordinary need. For me, the silver lining of this pandemic, if any, is how family, friends and colleagues–and the community and beyond–have banded together to surmount this once-in-a-lifetime crisis,” added Schotland.