Beverly Hills Seeks Public Input on Upcoming Labor Negotiations

The city of Beverly Hills is preparing to commence negotiations with the Municipal Employees Association Part-Time Unit, and the public is encouraged to provide feedback and input at a virtual City Council meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Aug. 17 at 7:00 p.m. In accordance with state law, the city participates in labor negotiations with its employee associations. The results of the negotiations process are written agreements or contracts reached between the city and the city employee associations. These agreements are referred to as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). 

The Municipal Employees Association of Beverly Hills Part-Time Unit has an MOU which expires on Oct. 8, 2021. The Aug. 17 meeting is the formal opportunity for the public to voice questions, concerns, and feedback to the City Council early in the negotiation process and prior to officially beginning the meet-and-confer process for a successor Memorandum of Understanding with the employee association. Following this public meeting and opportunity for input, the City Council will direct its labor negotiator regarding strategy and authority for the upcoming negotiations. Public comment may be provided virtually during the meeting at (passcode: 90210). Prior to the meeting, written comments should be submitted to In 2014, the Beverly Hills City Council adopted a Civic Openness in Negotiations “COIN” ordinance in order to provide additional impartiality and transparency to the collective bargaining process. As required by the “COIN” ordinance, this meeting provides the community an opportunity to provide the City Council with comments. 

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