With one month to go before the election, candidates for the three open Beverly Hills City Council seats have been meeting with supporters at events across the city. On April 21, realtor Josh Flagg hosted a cocktail party at his home for Planning Commissioner Chair Andy Licht, attended by about 50 people.
On May 4, realtor Michael Libow hosted a gathering at his residence, the famous “Witch’s House,” for Councilmember Robert Wunderlich. Later that day, approximately 50 people gathered at the South Maple Drive Home of Ada Horwich for an event for Councilmember John Mirisch.

Taking advantage of the “Star Wars” themed-pun on the calendar (as in “May the fourth be with you”), Mirisch donned a green light saber and hooded black cloak.
“I kind of joke that Sacramento, this being ‘Star Wars’ Day, is kind of like the Death Star,” Mirisch said. “They want to destroy communities when it comes to land use and planning.”