Jewish Federation LA To Honor Oct. 7 Victims

As the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attack in Israel approaches, the Jewish Federation Los Angeles (JFEDLA) will honor the victims by gathering the community to advocate for those who are still being held hostage and to remember those who have passed. Supporters will gather for different tributes over a 24-hour period throughout Los Angeles—the city with the second largest Jewish population outside of Israel. The Museum of Tolerance will host the first gathering in the evening on Oct. 6, and JFEDLA will host the closing event at the Saban Theatre, alongside the Israeli-American Council and StandWithUs.

“These events have been organized with our partners to show that despite the tragedy of Oct. 7, we remain and will forever be a resilient, hopeful, and united people,” said JFEDLA President and CEO Rabbi Noah Farkas in a statement.

The free event will take place from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Saban Theatre and will feature guest speakers to commemorate the anniversary of the attacks that continue to affect the community. “It’s a collaboration between so many Jewish organizations across Los Angeles to involve and reflect on an attack that really kind of transformed the landscape of Jewish life in the last year,” Joanna Mendelson, senior vice president of community engagement at JFEDLA told the Courier.

Throughout the 24-hour period, the community will gather to mark sites of violence against Jews and participate in sitting shiva. Attendees will later have an opportunity to share stories about survivors of tragedy in order to highlight resilience, said Mendelson. Lastly, JFEDLA will bring together speakers and optimistic voices that focus on what the youth is doing to shape the future for Jews in Los Angeles.

The event is expected to be non-political and focus on memorializing victims in Israel. Mendelson hopes that it will be both somber and inspirational. “The focus is really on holding in our hearts, the victims, a community and a nation that has suffered so deeply,” she said.

More information on guest speakers will be announced as the event approaches. Those interested can find updates on social media @JFEDLA.

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