The Beverly Hills Planning Commission voted 4-1 on March 14 to approve an amended conditional use permit for luxury car dealership O’Gara Coach Company to turn its vehicle storage facility at 8955 Olympic Boulevard into a new showroom.
On March 16, some 30 Motor Officers from various law enforcement agencies including the Beverly Hills Police Department gathered for the Motor Officer Skills Competition in Bakersfield.
The Beverly Hills City Council Meeting of March 18 marked the end of an era, as two long-serving members, Mayor Dr. Julian Gold and Councilmember Lili Bosse, bade farewell.
Celebrating an actor whose face could express infectious innocence as well as diabolical mischief, director Ron Frank and writer Glenn Kirschbaum have given us entree into the world of Gene Wilder by Gene Wilder himself, because it is his voice we hear throughout the film.
WIZO (The Women’s International Zionist Organization) California hosted a “Walk for Israel” on March 21 led by Councilmembers Lili Bosse and Sharona Nazarian.
Beverly Hills Police Department officers arrested a 29-year-old man on March 15 for charges including grand theft and attempted assault after he allegedly stole merchandise from Yves Saint Laurent, 469 N. Rodeo Drive, and used a knife to resist arrest, Lt. Andrew Myers told the