Home2020 (Page 31)

May 2020

Molecular mixologist and liquid chef Rob Floyd soldiered through 4,000 live stage performances last year of his enormously popular "Cocktail Theatre," while also filming "Bar Rescue" for Paramount Television and shows for the Sprits Network, but Floyd's real goal is to make the home bartender

The Beverly Hills City Council continued its new tradition of meeting virtually at this week's May 19 City Council meeting, approving a bevy of items including a contract for Dominick Rivetti to begin work as Interim Chief of Police.  Welcome Back Chief Rivetti  The City Council unanimously

These days, every member of the household is online for extended periods of time. Netflix streaming, endless Zoom conference calls, FaceTime and YouTube sessions are over- taxing the bandwidth on our home systems.  According to reports from NCTA, the Internet and Television Association, Wi-Fi data traffic