The Golden Triangle Goes Pink

Brighton Way has been brightened up at its intersection with N. Camden Drive. Sidewalks on all four corners now feature graceful green palm fronds set off against a tropical pink backdrop. The artwork, along with curb extensions, is part of a temporary demonstration project designed to make the street more pedestrian-friendly. It is all part of an onging initiative to showcase  potential pedestrian amenities that could be expanded in other parts of the city if proven effective at making the intersection more walkable, as well as educate the community on how to move through the intersection correctly by all transportation modes. 

The project is funded by a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments  and is part of a larger Pedestrian and Bicycle Awareness Campaign. 

The demonstration is up for six months and may become permanent if the city receives positive feedback from the community. (Thus far, comments on social media are mostly favorable.) The public is encouraged to take a survey about the project by logging on to the Beverly Hills Mobility website.

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