Deadline to Apply for Architectural Commission Extended to April 30

The Beverly Hills City Council is seeking qualified residents to fill two vacancies on the Architectural Commission. The deadline for filing applications for this Commission has been extended to April 30, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. 

The five-member Commission is appointed by the City Council and charged with decisions regarding the aesthetics of development in the commercial and multi-family residential areas of the City. The Commission’s jurisdication does not extend to development in single-family residential areas, public schools in the Beverly Hills Unified School District, or public parks. The Commission also advises the City Council regarding certain encroachments, reviews and makes findings on design proposals, reviews departures from the sign code and presents Architectural Design Awards for outstanding completed projects. 

The initial term of office for the Architectural Commission is two years. At the discretion of the City Council, the Commissioners may be reappointed to a second term of four years. The appointees will be required to file an initial and an annual “Statement of Economic Interests” financial disclosure. 

Interested applications are asked to direct inquiries to the City Clerk, City Manager or the Director of Community Development. Application forms for the Commission, along with a description of the duties of a Commissioner, and filing details are available for pickup in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 290, 455 N. Rexford Drive, or online at Interested persons may also call 310-285-2400 to receive an application and information by mail or e-mail. 

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