New Construction Team in Place at BHUSD

At its Sep. 20 meeting, the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) Board of Education heard for the first time from the newly assembled team now charged with overseeing the construction program. Moving forward, the board will receive three reports each month that include progress on construction projects at BHHS and El Rodeo Elementary School, management activity of the program, bond program budget and expenditures, and future plans. 

“I am thrilled to have this new leadership team in place as part of our newly restructured construction program,” Board President Mary Wells told the Courier. “I am confident that this team will deliver an effective and efficient building program and ensure transparency and accountability to our taxpayers.”

The team is made up of Raphael Guzman, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Will Karrat, Executive Director of Construction Services, Ken Haas, Executive Director of Construction and Facilities and Amin Salari, the Executive Vice President of Fonder-Salari, which is the construction management firm contracted by the district.   

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