The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder has released these additional results as of May 26.
With a total of 7,028 votes counted (representing 31.71% of registered voters), “No” votes have increased their lead on both Measures B and C.
Measure B Results:
“Yes” 3,440 or 49.12%
“No” 3,563 or 50.88%
Measure C Results:
“Yes” 3,440 or 49.11%
“No” 3,565 or 50.89%
The Courier will update the results as they become available.
The fate of the ultra-luxurious Cheval Blanc Beverly Hills hotel still hangs in the balance as semi-final special election results show just 60 votes separating supporters and detractors of the proposed development.
With 5,788 votes counted thus far, residents opposed to the project hold a slight lead over those in favor of it. As of press time, an estimated 1,335 ballots remained to be processed, according to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
This preliminary Tuesday, May 23 Election Night count includes ballots cast at vote centers throughout the 10-day early voting period and Election Day as well as Vote-by-Mail ballots received and processed up until Monday, May 22.
The outstanding 1,335 ballots consist of ballots returned in a drop box on Election Day and those received in the mail on Wednesday, May 23.
The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk will continue to accept ballots postmarked on Election Day and received by next Tuesday, May 30. These ballots are not reflected in the current or outstanding counts.
Randy James, a spokesperson for the Yes on B&C Campaign, observed at press time that since votes are still being counted, the outcome is too close to call. “We appreciate the support from so many residents, civic leaders, business owners, elected officials and others on behalf of this beautiful new landmark that will strengthen all of Beverly Hills,” James told the Courier.
The first official post-election ballot count update on Friday afternoon, May 26 is expected to bring more clarity, while the final certification of results is tentatively scheduled for June 2. This update will also include information on any additional ballots remaining to be processed.

Approximately 32% of registered voters participated in the special election, which asked residents whether they wanted to uphold the zoning changes and the development agreement for the Cheval Blanc Beverly Hills project. This voter participation rate may increase slightly as more Vote-by-Mail ballots trickle in.
Preliminary results released on May 23 showed 50.52% of voters in favor of repealing zoning versus 49.48% in favor of upholding zoning and 50.51% in favor of repealing the development agreement versus 49.49% in favor of upholding it.
The 1.3-acre development, from Paris-based luxury conglomerate LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, would feature 109 rooms, two restaurants and a private club. Four out of five Beverly Hills City Councilmembers support the project.
“I personally feel that this (Cheval Blanc) is, at least for my lifetime and the lifetimes of next generations, among the best things to happen to our city,” said then-Mayor Lili Bosse during the Feb. 21 City Council meeting in which the special election was called.
“But we’ll let the voters decide.”
Critics of the project include Councilmember John Mirisch, who told the Courier he was pleasantly surprised by the early results.
“The fact that it is this close despite all the money that LVMH has spent is a real message that goes to show that, while entrenched interests supported this project, a large part of the community did not.”
With so many votes yet to be counted, Mayor Dr. Julian Gold offered this observation in a statement to the Courier at press time:
“The election is not over until the last ballot is counted. Elections like this demonstrate why it is important to vote—every vote counts,”.
The Courier will update this story online when additional results are released.