Noah Nazarian Launches Energy Snack Company with a Purpose

Noah Nazarian knew he was a natural born entrepreneur ever since he corralled his two younger brothers into helping him advertise and operate a lucrative lemonade stand. Fast forward a decade and Nazarian is now enlisting the help of his brothers in running Bahamii, an  energy bites company.

Bahamii bite-size treats offer a naturally sweet form of energy using dates as the primary ingredient and are 100% organic, gluten free and have no added sugar. The snacks come in three flavors: chocolate almond, coconut vanilla and honey cinnamon. They are currently retailing in all 14 Bristol Farms locations, on Walmart Marketplace, locally at Total Body Nutrition of Beverly Hills , Beverly Hills Market and Deli. They are about to enter several new retail locations.

Nazarian, the son of Councilmember Sharona Nazarian, was a senior at the USC Marshall School of Business when he created Bahamii in 2022. He then continued to expand the venture while completing USC’s 16-week Food Industry Management Program after graduating. He is now running the company full-time with assistance from his brothers Jonah, who serves as CMO and Aaron, who manages social media. 

The inspiration for Bahamii came from Nazarian’s great-grandmother who has struggled to find a sweet treat that doesn’t aggravate her diabetes. Nazarian found the solution in dates, which are a staple ingredient in Persian pantries and a natural source of sweetness that doesn’t spike blood sugar.

“From our cultural standpoint, we eat a lot of dates, and I wanted to focus on a way to bring the health benefits and the nutritional benefits of dates to America and inspire more people to embrace a healthy lifestyle,” he said.