A new year in Beverly Hills means 12 fresh months of diverse and delightful artistic happenings from classical music performances to contemporary art shows to an emerging artist fellowship program.
In 2024, the city is excited to welcome back two time-honored traditions: the Music in the Mansion series at Greystone and the Beverly Hills Art Show. In addition, the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts has a packed slate of programming this spring and a new up-and-coming violinist fellow.
First up is the Music in the Mansion series. Music lovers will be excited to learn that this enchanting event, which is now in its 30th year, will kick off in January this year instead of its typical late spring slot.
The series will unfold over four magnificent weekends of music on Jan. 14, Feb. 11 and March 10. The first set of featured performers are the four-member Syrinx Quintet—consisting of an oboe, saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet—and the two-member Duo Tinkerhess, which will play a cellist, viola da gambist, pedal harp and triple harp.
The event provides the community with the unique opportunity to take in the stunning beauty of Greystone Mansion and Gardens while enjoying a symphony of sweet sounds from some of Los Angeles’ best classical musicians.
Tickets are $25 for residents and $30 for non-residents and can be purchased at beverlyhills.org/musicinthemansion.
Those who can’t get enough of classical music will be happy to learn that The Wallis has recently selected violinist Kendra Sobania as the recipient of The Walter and Peggy Grauman Fellowship in Classical Music. Sobania, a Korean American musician originally from Minnesota, will benefit from outstanding tutelage and support at The Wallis as well as several live performance opportunities.
“The Walter and Peggy Grauman Fellowship in Classical Music not only recognizes outstanding talent like Kendra but also offers an opportunity for emerging musicians in Los Angeles to further excel in their careers,” said Executive Director and CEO of The Wallis, Robert van Leer. “We are excited to support Kendra as she grows and contributes her skillful expertise to the rich musical tapestry of our community.”

Photo courtesy city of Beverly Hills
In addition to showcasing Sobina’s talents, The Wallis has an exciting slate of programming for the second half of its 2023/2024 season that offers a little bit of something for everyone.
The additional programming, which takes place between Feb. 3 and May 11, features a unique lineup of music and dance, with highlights including performances by the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Tony-nominated Jeremy Jordan and contemporary dance company A.I.M by Kyle Abraham.
“We’ve had an incredible start to the season already, and we are excited to share that the newly announced programming includes more leading choreographers and companies in the world of dance, a truly celebrated Broadway star, award-winning hip-hop music for, and with, children, and more classical music offerings,” said van Leer. “This continued array of programming brings with it more opportunities to engage new and returning audiences of all ages on our campus.”
A full calendar of shows can be found at thewallis.org/wallis_calendar.
Lastly, visual arts lovers will be pleased to learn that the Beverly Hills Arts Show has begun accepting applications for its 2024 season. The annual show, which takes place in Beverly Gardens Park, showcases the work of artists from around the world in a wide variety of mediums—from sculpture to painting, ceramics to glassworks, glass, jewelry, drawing and printmaking.
The Art Show is held the third weekend of May and October with participants selected by a fresh panel of fine arts professionals each year.
Artists interested in submitting their portfolio for jury review should visit https://www.beverlyhills.org/departments/communityservices/beverlyhillsartshow/artistapplication/