Officials Investigating Local Hepatitis A Infection

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) announced on May 17 that they are investigating a report of a hepatitis A infection in a Beverly Hills grocery store worker. The patient works at a Whole Foods Market at 239 N. Crescent Drive. Based on the employee’s job duties and symptoms while at work, Public Health recommends that anyone who purchased products from the seafood counter section of the store between April 20 and May 13 receive a hepatitis A vaccine if they are not already immune. People who have not received the hepatitis A vaccine or had a previous hepatitis A infection may not be protected from the virus.

Receiving vaccination as soon as possible after exposure could help reduce the risk of developing hepatitis A infection. Residents should contact their local pharmacy or medical provider for the vaccine. Public Health is working with the company to ensure employees that are not immune are referred for vaccination.    

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. It can range from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a severe illness lasting several months. In rare cases, it can cause death. 

Vaccination is the best way to prevent disease. Older adults and people with weakened immune systems might benefit from receiving immune globulin in addition to hepatitis A vaccination for prevention after an exposure. Public Health recommends that members of the public speak with their primary care provider and visit for more information.   

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