Council Will Consider Executive Compensation on June 18

At the June 18, 2024 City Council Formal Session, the Beverly Hills City Council will consider amendments to the Executive Employee Compensation Plan, which was last updated on December 5, 2023. 

The Amended and Restated Executive Employee Compensation Plan covers Department Directors, Assistant Department Directors and Senior Management level employees. Compensation and benefits for these employees are established in the Compensation Plan, as approved by the City Council. 

The proposed modifications do not incur additional costs and only address the addition and removal of several staff classifications due to reorganization.

Although not required per the city’s labor relations ordinance (Beverly Hills Municipal Code, Article 5 Section 2-5-503-B), as is the case with the city’s represented employee groups, the Executive Employee Compensation Plan’s proposed amendments were posted on the city’s website at on June 4, two weeks before the scheduled City Council meeting. 

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