The Beverly Hills City Council unanimously supported the reappointment of three city commissioners during a Study Session on Dec. 3.
The commissioners up for reappointment are Homayoon “Mark” Nehoray, who serves on the Public Works Commission; Pam Kraushaar, who serves on the Human Relations commission; and Deborah Termeie, who serves on the Recreation and Parks Commission. All three served two-year first terms that will end on Dec. 31, making each eligible for a second, four-year term.
City Clerk Huma Ahmed presented a report to the council during the Dec. 3 session detailing each commissioner’s service and the terms of their reappointment. As part of that report, Ahmed described the commissioners’ attendance records. Nehoray has had one absence and zero recusals across 16 regular meetings and three special meetings. Kraushaar has had zero absences and zero recusals across 19 regular meetings and one special meeting. Termeie has had four absences and zero recusals across 16 regular meetings and four special meetings.
Ahmed had previously reached out to Nehoray, Kraushaar and Termeie via email to confirm that they wanted to continue their service.
“The commissioners have submitted their correspondence, and they’ve indicated their willingness to serve a second term,” said Ahmed, adding, “We always like to ask and make sure that they are interested.”
In email messages provided by Ahmed to members of the council, Nehoray, Kraushaar and Termeie each expressed positive feelings about their work with the city so far.
“I deeply enjoy working with my colleagues and staff on the commission and I would like to continue to stay engaged,” Termeie wrote. “It has been an honor to listen to and take action on behalf of our community and our beloved city.”
During the comment period of the Study Session, members of the City Council had kind words for the commissioners.
“I am thrilled to see that all three of these commissioners want to continue their service on the commissions and completely support Mark Nehoray, Pam Kraushaar and Deborah Termeie,” said Councilmember Mary Wells.
“I too, would like to thank Mark, Pam and Deborah for stepping up and offering to serve again for four years, and I am supportive of their reappointment,” added Councilmember Craig Corman.
During her statement of support, Vice Mayor Sharona Nazarian made note of the fact that all three commissioners were new to public service in Beverly Hills.
“I just want to point out that these are three new members who had never been on a commission that we appointed, and they’re doing a fantastic job,” she said. “So, it’s great to open doors for many different residents in our community and welcome them, and I’m grateful for their service and for what they’re providing to the community, and I’m delighted that they want to continue on.”
The reappointments will be brought back to the council at their regular meeting on Dec. 10 for formal approval. If formally approved, all three commissioners’ second terms will begin on Jan. 10, 2025, and end on Dec. 31, 2028.