BHPD Makes Arrest in McLaren Grand Theft

The Beverly Hills Police Department (BHPD) has made one arrest in connection with a dramatic March 1 burglary at McLaren Beverly Hills on W. Olympic Boulevard. 

According to Beverly Hills’ Interactive Crime Map, the break-in occurred at 9:45 p.m. Several sources familiar with the incident told the Courier that the suspect broke into the store, managed to open the case containing vehicle keys and then drove a vehicle through the glass wall of the showroom. He parked the vehicle, then returned inside and stole another vehicle. The suspect sustained lacerations in the commission of the crime.

Lieutenant Kevin Orth of the BHPD tells the Courier that units responded to the scene after being alerted by a radio call. He said that the suspect fled the area and quickly left the boundary of Beverly Hills. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers pursued the suspect for a short time. “LAPD got in pursuit later that night, but the guy was able to evade. The next day, we received a radio call of a suspicious person in the area who was then identified as the suspect of the initial crime,” said Orth. 

The suspect, identified as Julian Flake, was then arrested by BHPD Officers.

Flake has been charged with one count of felony second-degree commercial burglary, two counts of felony grand theft of an automobile and one count of felony vandalism $400 or more in damage or destruction of property. Flake also faces two separate charges of trespassing that were filed in December 2024 after arrests by Pomona Police Department officers.

McLaren specializes in luxury sports cars. The Beverly Hills location has listings between $145,990 for a pre-owned GT Coupe and $436,130 for a 2024 750S Coupe.

Flake’s next day in court will be a preliminary hearing set for March 19 at Los Angeles Superior Court Airport Courthouse.