The last round of funding grants was awarded to 19 organizations that provide services to seniors, homeless, cover physical and mental health, culture and more.
This year's winner is Courier Publisher John Bendheim. "John Bendheim is a staple in the community of Beverly Hills, both personally and professionally.
"All persons shall wear face coverings when they leave their homes or places of residence if that person has potential to come within six feet of another person not a member of their household," wrote Beverly Hills Mayor Lester Friedman in a reminder email sent
"The program has received positive feedback from the business community and residents alike," states the July 21 staff report, which was authored by Marketing and Economic Sustainability Manager Laura Biery and Special Events and Filming Coordinator Magdalena Davis.
"It should be noted that the maximum sales tax rate increase in Beverly Hills could decline in future years below the 3/4 cents currently available due to other future county sales tax measures," Owens warned the City Council.
With one day to spare before the end of the fiscal year, on June 29 the City Council voted 4-1 to approve a $418.8 million operating expenditure budget for fiscal year 2020/21. Total revenue for all funds is projected to be $452.8 million (including interfund