"To everyone who is mourning people who have passed away from COVID-19, we keep you in our thoughts and in our hearts," said Director of Public Health Dr. Barbara Ferrer in a statement.
The purpose of the campaign is to educate community members about important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe when it comes to home fire prevention.
The density "bonus" and other concessions that a developer receives depend on certain factors. Those factors include the percentage of affordable housing units in a project and the level of affordability of those units.
The Courier's Fall Fashion Style Magazine features exclusive interviews and fashion previews, trends from the (virtual) N.Y. runways, insights from L.A.'s hottest stylists and more.
As the United States passes the tragic milestone of 200,000 lives lost to COVID-19, Los Angeles County officials warn that the County may be on the brink of another spike unless residents continue observing health precautions.
The pandemic has curtailed indoor religious services, leaving so many wondering how to pray, hear the shofar and come together during the Jewish High Holy Days.
A joint statement released on Sept. 23 by the City of Beverly Hills and "Nate 'n Al's Then and Now" announced that the iconic Beverly Hills delicatessen, Nate 'n Al's, will remain open at its current location at 414 North Beverly Drive.
Since sundown on Sept. 18, Jews around the world began observing their holiest days on the calendar in the strange, virtual format of the era of COVID-19.