HomeNews (Page 221)


Tennis enthusiasts rejoice, on June 15 La Cienega Tennis Center and Roxbury Tennis Courts are slated to reopen following temporary closures due to COVID-19.  In reopening, the City will follow Los Angeles County safety protocols, including limited court use and reduced operating hours. To ensure that

Also by Bianca Heyward On Friday, May 29, at an undisclosed secure location, the Beverly Hills Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was dark and empty. Computers were dormant, except for those operating remotely, due to the COVID-19 crisis. The next morning, Saturday, large crowds of people took

Thousands of people marched through Beverly Hills on the afternoon of June 6. As was the case last weekend, the protests today were in response to the death of George Flloyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Unlike the May 30 demonstrations, the crowd today