HomeNews (Page 229)


Following the installation of Mayor Lester Friedman and Vice Mayor Bob Wunderlich, the Beverly Hills City Council held a 10-hour video conference meeting addressing a bounty of issues via Zoom.  COVID-19 Update  As part of an update on state and local requirements related to COVID-19, the Council

On March 29, residents stood outside Nate'n Al's Delicatessen, a Beverly Hills landmark, after the restaurant announced that after 75 years, the doors to its Beverly Drive location would be closing permanently. The news was met with a rush of patrons calling in orders for

On March 21, the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) announced the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, teachers are embracing the district motto, "Education Reimagined." The "reimagining" is taking a form most educators, parents and students never contemplated. A new