Home2020April (Page 4)

April 2020

While restaurants and hotels across the City are all suffering due to COVID-19 closures and limited services, this is not stopping some local organizations and small businesses from giving back to the community and, in some cases, their employees, during this crisis.  The Dorchester Hotels, which

Following the installation of Mayor Lester Friedman and Vice Mayor Bob Wunderlich, the Beverly Hills City Council held a 10-hour video conference meeting addressing a bounty of issues via Zoom.  COVID-19 Update  As part of an update on state and local requirements related to COVID-19, the Council

On March 29, residents stood outside Nate'n Al's Delicatessen, a Beverly Hills landmark, after the restaurant announced that after 75 years, the doors to its Beverly Drive location would be closing permanently. The news was met with a rush of patrons calling in orders for

On March 21, the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) announced the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, teachers are embracing the district motto, "Education Reimagined." The "reimagining" is taking a form most educators, parents and students never contemplated. A new