At its Feb. 21 regular meeting, the Beverly Hills City Council recognized Bulgaria's National Liberation Day which falls on March 3 as well as the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from Nazi Death Camps during World War II.
Four-time Oscar nominated, Grammy and Emmy Award-winning Danny Elfman, whose vast musical contributions as a composer and musician have thrilled audiences around the globe for more than 30 years, was honored by Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) at its "2023 Gala Celebration" on Feb. 4
Mayor Lili Bosse stopped by the Roxbury Community Center to recognize the Roxbury Knitting Group this week. Started in 2002, the group meets every Wednesday to create works of art that are then donated to organizations such as the American Heart Association, Children's Hospital, Cedars-Sinai
Following a second rejection letter from the state's Department for Housing and Community Development (HCD), amendments to the Beverly Hills General Plan Housing Element for the 2021-2029 period were reviewed and supported by the City Council at its Feb. 21 meeting. To combat a statewide
Two seemingly different films open in theaters on Feb. 24. The first, called "Juniper," is universal in its subject matter–family, healing, growing. Director/writer Matthew Saville approached this story through the eyes of a resentful teen. The growth and change, as imperceptible as it seems to
For weeks, Beverly Hills residents and business owners have campaigned to save the Ficus trees along Robertson Boulevard, which are being cut down as part of the city's Robertson Sidewalk and Tree Replacement Project.
After a whirlwind week, LA Art Week has come to a close. It was exhilarating seeing all the incredible art, from those both established and new to the scene. This year, women artists, gallerists, and founders made a particular splash. To wrap up, I wanted
The Beverly Hills Police Department (BHPD) arrested three suspects earlier this week in connection with a theft at the Whole Foods in Beverly Hills. The suspects were booked for, among other charges, resistance or delaying of an investigation.