Debate Continues Over Spring Place Rooftop

A recent Beverly Hills Planning Commission meeting highlighted the ongoing controversy surrounding exclusive private club and coworking space Spring Place.

Located at the vertex of Wilshire and Santa Monica boulevards in the Gores Group building, which is owned by billionaire Alec Gores, the self-described “home for the creative class” has elicited complaints among its neighbors and garnered repeated rebukes from city officials due to noisy rooftop parties, among other violations of the club’s conditions of operation.

Under current provisions, no more than 30 members can use the rooftop at a time, nor can the club offer food and beverage services on the roof. Each of the club’s members is permitted to bring three guests. The Commission previously granted the coworking space the right to hold “occasional” rooftop events that go no later than 10 p.m. and with 72-hour notice to the city.

During the at-times contentious April 27 hearing, the commissioners conducted a conditionally approved development plan review that regulates the rooftop usage of the coworking space, which also houses amenities including a restaurant, bar and lounges. The entity has behaved more like a private event rental venue than a coworking space, commissioners argued.

The company, which has an additional location in New York City’s Tribeca area, has experienced significant turnover. Christian Toraldo, who became CEO in late 2021, no longer works for Spring Place.

A decision on the development plan for Spring Place was continued until the Planning Commission’s June 8 meeting.

During the lengthy meeting, the exchanges between the Spring Place representatives and the commissioners grew heated. Karim Elfeky, vice president of member care at Spring Place, runs day-to-day operations of the company. He said Spring Place has conducted outreach to neighbors and invited feedback on the activities at the club.

“We’ve done a lot of work because we knew trust had to be earned,” he said. “I hope actions will speak louder than words.”

During public comment, several Spring Place members said they valued being part of the coworking space.

“Nothing quite compares to Spring Place,” Joline Nazarian, co-founder of Beverly Hills Lingerie, said. “There’s a lot of value in this place.”

“For me it’s been an experience that’s very professional,” interior designer Raven Vermeil said.

While public comment participants praised the activities, networking opportunities and programs of the space, the commissioners said they weren’t restricting what happens downstairs at the club. The meeting, the commissioners said, was focused exclusively on the decked-out rooftop.

“We are focusing this hearing on those things,” Demeter said.

Debate ensued over what Spring Place, at its essence, was–a co-working space, party venue or social club.

“From day one, we were told this was going to be an office,” Commissioner Peter Ostroff said. “From day one, we were told there wasn’t going to be anything on the roof.”

Attorney Mark Egerman and Giovanni Palacardo, chief financial officer and chief operating officer at Spring Place, also represented Spring Place at the meeting.

“Spring Place is not a place where people come and have parties,” Palacardo said. “It is a place where people come and work.”

“Our business is struggling,” he continued. “We are recording losses month after month, and one of the reasons is because we cannot use the space in its full capacity, so it’s key we find a solution to this. Otherwise, we’ll have to consider a painful decision. We are open to working with the Commission.”

A decision on Spring Place’s future was continued until next month because Planning Commission Vice Chair Gary Ross had a time constraint.


During the April 27 meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously approved a permit for open-air dining along with extended hours for Parakeet Café, a San Diego-based restaurant known for health-conscious organic foods, coffee, tea, freshly baked pastries and even matcha elixir drinks. 

Parakeet Café is set to open within a couple of months at 206 S. Beverly Drive, between Charleville Boulevard and Gregory Way, in the former home of Chin Chin. 

Planning Commission Chair Myra Demeter said the cafe, which started in La Jolla in 2017, would be a “welcome addition.” 

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