The project is funded by a grant from the Southern California Association of Governments and is part of a larger Pedestrian and Bicycle Awareness Campaign.
"I'm explaining to people that it makes sense that they would have it at the Forum or Dodger's Stadium and places like that, where they can get a lot of people lined up and do 3 or 4,000 a day," he told the Courier.
Beverly Hills resident, Mojan Ghahramani began volunteering with the Task Force shortly after it was formed. Three times a week, Ghahramani helps a 92-year-old senior nearby with her grocery shopping, mail, takes out the trash, picking up medication, errands and anything else she might need.
Despite the current restrictions, there have been crowds on Canon Drive and customers waiting online at many of the popular standbys. It's clear that people want to be out experiencing a change of scenery and mingling a little with the community. Here are some options,
"I'm also super proud to be part of the Burton Way Median project. I think it parallels so much of the messaging of this piece. We kind of assign this idea of love to people and to humans, but really, that's exactly a fraction of
"I don't see anything in your list of evaluation criteria that talks about how this is going to destroy the farmers market, a farmers market that many of us use every single week," said Janice Barquist, echoing the concern of others in the meeting.
"Part of the problem is that, right now, there is a narrative created by Sacramento. [California Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)] is always invoking Beverly Hills: We're the bad guys, we're why there's no housing," said Councilmember John Mirisch.
"There is unanimity in terms of the request for the tents," Mayor Lester Friedman said. "In terms of the waiver of the fees, I think there's unanimity on that issue.
During the one-hour virtual webinar, Orman described the new year as "The Great Reset." She provided a roadmap for ensuring a manageable financial cushion.