"What's your commitment to a spending limit worth if you can expressly or impliedly encourage or somehow acquiesce to these contributions?" he told the Courier.
"We are thrilled to welcome visitors and residents back to our holiday celebration that we missed last year due to the pandemic," said Beverly Hills Mayor Robert Wunderlich in a statement.
The first sign of trouble came when Yonatan Golian, an otherwise healthy 12-year-old boy, fell to his living room floor in an epileptic fit. Two years later, after Yonatan had begun treatment for epilepsy, the unthinkable happened; his younger sister, Revital had her first seizure.
At its Nov. 2 Special Meeting, the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) Board of Education interviewed seven applicants who are in the running to fill the board vacancy left by the resignation of Tristen Walker- Shuman.
"The City Council could also consider adopting objective standards that do not physically preclude development of two 800 square foot units on lots in the city," Gohlich said.