"One of the things we focus on is the positive impact survivors have had on their own children and families. We discussed this internally and want to focus more on this. Our goal is to share the intergenerational impact of survivors and highlight second generations
"We are celebrating Israel's strength of democracy by voting today. We hope for a stable government which will continue the positive trend of Israeli innovation and normalizing of relations with the Arab world," said Dr. Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Southwest,
"If drinking is part of your plans, plan on designating a sober driver and find a safe way home," Beverly Hills Police Chief Dominick Rivetti said. "Don't make poor choices and allow yourself to mix alcohol or drugs with driving."
Movies will come home to the new museum. And they will do so in an immersive, dynamic format befitting a medium that has captured the world's imagination since the latter part of the 19th century.
"Monique's death is a giant loss for her family, our community and for all of us as Angelenos," a representative for the D.A.'s office told the Courier.
As someone who spends her life training teachers, leading workshops for teens, and supporting parents, I know the pain and frustration that so many of you feel. And as we all sit here and reflect on the one-year anniversary of school closures, we're all longing
"As I have indicated through some correspondence, we have allocations that are being provided to us for a vaccine for our employees through L.A. County," Bregy said at the meeting.
"I think that if we can at least meet or exceed the state standards, we will be demonstrating good faith to HCD in our efforts to accommodate to the overriding purpose of the Rena allocation," said Commissioner Thomas Hudnut.
"We haven't produced any of our own city water since 2016," Alpert said. "And so, these are major projects to get the city back in the water business so that we have water in case of an emergency."