The last round of funding grants was awarded to 19 organizations that provide services to seniors, homeless, cover physical and mental health, culture and more.
"Effective November 20, there were COVID orders, as you're very well aware of, that identified a curfew for restaurants and other non-essential retail establishments to be between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., with restaurants allowing for pickup and delivery after 10 p.m.," said Engineering Manager
Starting Dec. 3 at midnight, Los Angeles County will begin accepting applications for $30,000 grants to small restaurant owners struggling to make ends meet during a pandemic that has now shut down outdoor dining.
"In analyzing information provided in September 2020 by Freddie Mac and the Embarcadero Institute, it is clear HCD's determination of the overall housing shortage in California is flawed," the letter, written by City Manager George Chavez, says.
"I wanted to share as of this morning, there are no oil derricks on the high school property," Donald Blake, senior executive bond program manager said. "That is a milestone, and I cannot tell you how happy we are."
"The District Attorney's Office has been aware of the extraordinary impact that this offense had on Nessah Synagogue and its congregation, and on the community at large, since its commission," Head Deputy D.A. Steven Katz told the Courier.
The County modified its Health Order to allow only delivery, drive-thru services and takeout at restaurants, bars, breweries and wineries for a minimum of three weeks beginning at 10 p.m. Nov. 25.
We can become that nation you know. We can each lead a generous life of giving to those who have less and to make real inspired visions to better our city, our people, our nation, and our planet.