Aariel Maynor, 29, of Los Angeles pleaded not guilty on Dec. 16 to murder and other counts arising from the shooting death of beloved Beverly Hills resident and philanthropist Jacqueline Avant.
The once vacant storefront windows at 445 N. Canon Drive debuted a new art exhibit on Dec. 2 with seven paintings hanging by American contemporary artist Kevin HEES.
"I'm sorry to disagree with you," said Bronte to Gohlich, "but I know that living expenses for a two or three bedroom or even a four bedroom apartment [are] not even close to $1,000."
Libow's donation paid for the latest equipment and new instruments, bringing the music center to a higher level of professionalism, school staff told the Courier.
"I understand that there is a desire to give more people access to the beauty and the history of Virginia Robinson Gardens and a house which is a treasure," said Councilmember John Mirisch. "But parties, events, commercial uses – that's really going overboard."
While the city already has a thorough network of CCTV cameras, Stainbrook told the Council that the department was working with the Public Works Department "to increase and ensure proper camera coverage for the city."