"The Banshees of Inisherin," written and directed by the incomparable Martin McDonagh and bringing back his dynamic duo of Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson from "In Bruge," is elegiac, humorous, and tragic, all at the same time.
"Reboot," from the deviously clever mind of Steven Levitan ("Modern Family"), is one laugh out loud moment after another, played in front of the curtain of Hollywood and behind the wall of family dysfunction. And it all works!
With the proliferation of content, there has been what seems to be an exponential increase in the number of episodic submissions for Emmy consideration in an endless array of categories.
Part I of "How to Navigate Streaming Services" gave you the basics on what to look for and how to make your way through the most commonly watched streamers: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO Max, Disney+, and Apple TV+. Here, we will go into a deeper
Today's reviews are as different as they are alike. What do a nature documentary and a series about adolescence have in common? Both are terrific family viewing, although each stands alone across multiple demographics.
The Petersen Automotive Museum will honor the 90th anniversary of the 1932 Ford with a new national holiday, "Hot Rod Day," on June 11, and celebrate the special day with the Museum's new "Ford Fever: The Deuce Turns 90" exhibit in the Ross and Beth
Will Smith slapping Chris Rock was shocking. I am glad that everyone is thinking and talking about it as there is much to learn about how we manage our hurt and anger.