On May 12, BVMS Principal, Dr. Skon, in collaboration with the BVMS PTA, hosted an inaugural FriendRaiser to better connect and strengthen local neighborhood relationships.
Led by Monica Corcoran, founder of Pretty Ripe, the panel included celebrity stylist Jeanne Yang and beauty entrepreneur Nyako Grieco for a conversation on breaking down false pressures of achieving early success in life, and how career pivots can happen at any age.
Upon graduation, midshipmen earn a Bachelor of Science degree in a choice of 25 different subject majors and go on to serve at least five years as commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps.
The committee, which was established in 2015 and open to all ages, engages younger residents through programs that address the lifestyle needs of those in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
The West Hollywood-Beverly Hills Democratic Club has endorsed Councilmembers Lester Friedman and Robert Wunderlich and Planning Commission Chair Andy Licht.