The Courier obtained an early preview, sitting down with artist Chaz Guest as he began painting a piano with his comic book character Buffalo Warrior, the first superhero "born in the cotton fields.
Buried under Loma Vista Drive, where all Toro's construction has taken place so far, is a maze of electric, cable, and phone lines around which crews need to tiptoe.
As far back as 2005, with San Diego's devastating 2003 Cedar Fire still fresh in the state's memory, the city took extra precautions against wildfires.
Indeed, the Commission's July 1 vote will not result in any immediate or concrete changes, and the full cost of the project, and who exactly will foot the bill (Metro will cover at least some of it), is far from determined.
Sharon R. Nazarian presided over the last Rotary Club of Beverly Hills meeting of her tenure as president on June 28. More than 140 people attended the in-person event, including (from left): Event organizers Jim Jahant, President-Elect Charles L Black III, Judie Fenton, Nazarian, JR
The Disaster Communications System (DCS) operates as an auxiliary communications system for the city "in situations where normal telephone, cellular, two-way radio, satellite or other communication links fail," DCS volunteer Pamela Meadow said.
"They're also more likely to have staff with specialized knowledge for conducting audits that require a high level of subject matter expertise, and in some cases, the cost per audit may be lower for external firms because the auditors are more experienced with the audit
"I think the way that these elves are going to be, in that they're going to be glitter and the size, to me, makes it a little bit more out of the box," Bosse said. "I'm always somebody that likes tradition. But I like tradition