The Beverly Hills City Council approved nearly half a million dollars to establish the Real Time Watch Center, a new hub to coordinate the city's many surveillance tools.
On April 6, Mayor Lili Bosse joined other leaders across the country in the 11th Annual Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, asking residents to reduce their water consumption.
The OpenBH Conversion Code and Fee Structure Subcommittee reviewed a preliminary draft of potential changes to permanent open-air dining code regulations at its April 6 meeting.
"Every other week, I hope you'll meet me at one of our local businesses to celebrate all they bring to our city," she said. "It will be an opportunity to see the city's newest restaurants, talk with old friends, meet new ones, all the while
"We are the lucky ones," Gold said. "There are many, far too many, who have not been so lucky. Let's never forget them and keep those lost to COVID, and recently the despicable evil that's happening in Ukraine, in our thoughts and in our prayers."
"We have great pension benefits for both of them and non-compensation benefits," Fisher noted. He would make suggestions for how to extend the force and expand active volunteer groups that expand the departments reach.