"If we have one miracle to make our own, one strength to choose–let it be the strength to turn curses into blessings, to learn joy from sadness and life from death."
"In order for this to move forward, we need to hear from the other blocks and also make sure with the traffic division that we can provide for this to work in way that we are not creating more impacts," Bosse said.
"If a cluster is identified at a worksite, the Department of Public Health will initiate a cluster response which includes providing infection control guidance and recommendations, technical support and site-specific control measures," Public Health guidelines state.
Emotional Balance: Anxiety and depression were easy to fall into in 2020. But as we emerge, the pendulum will swing the other way. We must actively focus on positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, and optimism.
The following sectors remain closed under the Order: indoor and outdoor dining, personal care services, cardrooms, wineries, breweries, distilleries, museums, zoos, aquariums, movie theaters, amusement parks, live audience sports and family entertainment centers. Retail remains limited to 20 percent capacity.
The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation) has awarded $3 million to 19 organizations as part of the second phase of its COVID-19 Response Grants initiative. In describing the grants to the Courier, Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Marvin I. Schotland said,
"It's extremely soothing," Lawson said. "It creates peace within, which I think is always going to be a good thing for somebody who is going through treatment.
"If someone doesn't want to take the vaccine, I think they should understand that by having been vaccinated, they may be preventing the spread to many, many other people," Hopp said.