In honor of Israel's 73rd Independence Day, members of the City Council were joined by Consul General Dr. Hillel Newman as City Hall was illuminated in blue light.
"We definitely want the business district in this," Vice Chair, Deborah Frank, said at the meeting. "We're forming a committee and we're going to specifically target underwriters for this entire event. That's our goal. To support it with fundraising as we did for the Visions
We are eager to see you all in person, to connect you physically and socially with one another, and to support your well-being–mind, body and spirit," said Rogers.
Advocates for Munoz alleged that the teen driver was not being charged because of the influence of his father, Beverly Hills resident and businessman James Khuri.
While the official court docket has yet to reflect the change in disposition, Shapiro said that "the terms are still being ironed out." He expects the change to be formalized around May or June.
But let's continue in this imaginary world. Let's say that in this imaginary world, you have the thief that walks in with his calculator, starts taking things and adding them up.
"We are celebrating Israel's strength of democracy by voting today. We hope for a stable government which will continue the positive trend of Israeli innovation and normalizing of relations with the Arab world," said Dr. Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Southwest,
Movies will come home to the new museum. And they will do so in an immersive, dynamic format befitting a medium that has captured the world's imagination since the latter part of the 19th century.