"These are desperate times, we've heard pleas from people, I think we can easily add another $550,000 to it," said Mirisch, who was supported by Councilmember Lili Bosse.
"In a City where demands are high for new projects and services, this would assist departments in being able to enter into these contracts more quickly, but with the same level of compliance required on an annual basis for obtaining quotes/formal bids, respectively based on
At the outset of the discussion, Commission Chair Lou Milkowski described the subject as "a real meat-on-the-bone type of legislation for us to look at."
"We have the One Beverly Hills project, which is a combination of the old Wanda Robinson May project and the Beverly Hilton project, which is now one combined piece of property that is going to be developed," said Friedman.
"For example, an 'unrealistically high' RHNA allocation based on market trends and lack of vacant land is not considered to be legitimate grounds for appeal," the Staff Report reads.