In addition to providing aid to income-qualified tenants financially impacted by the pandemic, the program incentives property owners to forgive back rent.
As Gohlich notes, "[Robinsons-May] was truly a world class department store and contributed in a significant way to the city and its development at that time."
"Top real estate industry professionals now have an opportunity to capitalize on the immense global reach of Forbes in the creation of an impactful luxury marketplace, which is owned and led by brokerages," Bonnie Stone Sellers, who serves as Chair, said in a statement.
The Zaslavs' purpose in restoring Woodland is to "ensure that the property is enjoyed in its original state for generations to come," said Jason Somers, President of Crest Real Estate, who oversees the project.
"These are desperate times, we've heard pleas from people, I think we can easily add another $550,000 to it," said Mirisch, who was supported by Councilmember Lili Bosse.
At the outset of the discussion, Commission Chair Lou Milkowski described the subject as "a real meat-on-the-bone type of legislation for us to look at."
"For example, an 'unrealistically high' RHNA allocation based on market trends and lack of vacant land is not considered to be legitimate grounds for appeal," the Staff Report reads.
This year's winner is Courier Publisher John Bendheim. "John Bendheim is a staple in the community of Beverly Hills, both personally and professionally.