"We're a brand with purpose," Gores told the Courier. "The purpose is to really give people confidence, make people feel good, and to live a more full life."
One of the major aspects of the program is the division of the city into geographic zones, with each zone designed to be able to support itself during times of emergency or disaster.
After several years of development and community outreach, the Beverly Hills City Council has adopted the Complete Streets Plan which balances the needs of all the city's road users such as bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and motorists.
"So, we will be looking to select a new consulting firm and we'll have a committee of various stakeholders," Chism said. "We'll have board members, community members, staff, parents, students all involved in that in that decision so we can continue to move forward."
"There is a special bond that binds Israel and Los Angeles," Newman told the crowd. "Hate-filled Hamas attack Jews indiscriminately in Israel, and hate-filled rioters attack Jews indiscriminately in Los Angeles. Two sides of the same coin. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism."
Police made their first arrest in the evening of May 21 "at a residence outside the City of Los Angeles," according to a statement, taking Pabon into custody with help from Los Angeles and Inland Empire teams from the United States Marshal Service taskforce.