Officials hope that placing art in vacant storefronts will bring increased attention to vacant commercial properties, deter graffiti and vandalism and contribute to the preservation of the business community.
Singer Justin Bieber has been practicing for a New Year's Eve performance in front of the Beverly Hilton Hotel. "T-Mobile Presents: NYE Live with Justin Bieber" will stream live this evening at 7:15 p.m. PST and re-air twice on New Year's Day.
"Ever since our founding in 2018, we have called West Hollywood home. I can promise you that no one would be more excited than us to follow the guidelines and make sure we make this community of West Hollywood proud," said Wheels Chief Development Officer
During the closures, no vehicle access will be permitted on Constellation Boulevard west of Avenue of the Stars up to Solar Way. Local access west of Solar Way will be maintained. Driveways into Westfield Mall and Constellation Place will remain accessible.
To begin with, we'd like to thank the many people who have been supportive of us for almost 65 years. You have believed in us and have continuously supported us through COVID-19 and now through this. Your messages of support have been received and appreciated
"The proposed ordinance is necessary in order to assist in protecting essential workers and customers from the potential risk of exposure to COVID-19," reads a staff report compiled for the Dec. 21 Regular Meeting.
"It is possible that [the Department of Housing and Community Development] could view such an ordinance negatively, which could impact the City's ability to achieve a certified housing element.
"We're a partner with these hotels," Councilmember Lili Bosse said. "They've been a tremendous asset to us with TOT funding in the years past, and this year, things are really challenging. We need to be a partner with them, as well."
The teddy bear workshop on Dec. 21 takes place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and is recommended for ages 16 and older. This workshop requires basic hand sewing skills, and a sewing machine is highly recommended.