But let's continue in this imaginary world. Let's say that in this imaginary world, you have the thief that walks in with his calculator, starts taking things and adding them up.
"We are celebrating Israel's strength of democracy by voting today. We hope for a stable government which will continue the positive trend of Israeli innovation and normalizing of relations with the Arab world," said Dr. Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel for the Pacific Southwest,
Movies will come home to the new museum. And they will do so in an immersive, dynamic format befitting a medium that has captured the world's imagination since the latter part of the 19th century.
"Monique's death is a giant loss for her family, our community and for all of us as Angelenos," a representative for the D.A.'s office told the Courier.
"One Survivor Remembers" relates Klein's harrowing story of survival, both before and after the war. Home Box Office and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum co-produced the documentary film, which was awarded both an Emmy and an Academy Award.
A high-profile dog theft took place Wednesday night when a man shot a dog walker and absconded with two French bulldogs belonging to musician Lady Gaga.
"We know that our businesses and our visitors and our residents are responsible, and they want to do the right thing," D'Amico said at the Feb. 16 Regular Meeting.
Additionally, residents are asked to contact the Public Works Department at 310-285-2467 if they know of anyone that may need assistance who does not have access to a cell phone.
In addition to providing aid to income-qualified tenants financially impacted by the pandemic, the program incentives property owners to forgive back rent.
"Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence," the bulletin reads.